Piston a modular open source game engine The bricks are out of the box!1 level 1 ISvengali @your_twitter_handle 8 years ago Its pretty simple and fun, I built one during the first few hours of Molyjam for our Populousmolydeux project The world is broken up into chunks Im thinking of using 32x32x32 in my next crafty engine I used UV sprites for 4 different terrain types This allows the building of a singleRead the original article here https//ourcodeworldcom/articles/read/9/howtoimplementyourownminecraftgameclonewithcusingmodernopenglinubunt
Amadornes In Just Two Days We Ve Managed To Build A Little Minecraft Clone With Physics Basic Worldgen And The Ability To Build And Break Blocks No Engine Straight Up Opengl