/gamemode 3更改为/gamemode 0(生存模式) 18 14w05a 加入了spectator(旁观模式)。 19 15w43a 现在/gamemode会在聊天栏中显示玩家更改为的游戏模式。 113 17w45a 现在/gamemode不再支持简写。 携带版Alpha; · I doubt gamemode 3 would be removed, due to the fact that the ability to change to gamemode 1 & 2 would also have to be removed You could just deny someone to access the plot to prevent the snowball spam or whatever, right?Title Just looking for new games to try out, I am a big fan of survival mods such as Exile as well as games like KOTH Just want to try something new, thanks < > Showing 14 of 4 comments Desperado May 21, 17 @ 516pm
How To Change The Game Mode In Minecraft At Any Time